Project Title: Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding for assembly of structural aircraft parts (OASIS)
Project Description:
European project OASIS will develop alternative manufacturing approaches using welding technologies (such as friction stir (FSW, FSSW) and laser (LBW) welding) that will lead to light weighting and most importantly provide manufacturing cost savings. This will include the development of procedures to weld skins, stiffeners, and frames to produce a cargo door demonstrator. Simulation and modelling of the effect of welding on structural integrity (structural and fatigue analysis of welded joints), residual stress and distortion of the full structure will be studied, with the input data taken from coupon level welding.
The OASIS European project belongs to the joint technology initiative JTI Clean Sky Joint 2.
ID CODE: CS2- 785557
Project Period: 2/2018 – 2021
Project Participants:
Principal Investigator For VZLU:
- Ing. Dr. Roman Růžek