Project Title: Design and manufacturing process development of primary aircraft parts of advanced shapes of reinforced thermoplastics
Project Description:
The project aims to develop real parts of aviation structure in the shape of a profile of reinforced thermoplastic. The aim will be to design their appropriate shape, sizing and finding optimal production technology for selected part shapes. Specifically, it is a horizontal beam and a vertical frame of the transport aircraft door and a T profile as a replacement for the titanium part in the airframe rib assembly. The purpose is research and development of new technological processes to achieve cost-effective design of selected parts. A benefit to the bearer and frame will be a significant reduction in production time compared to existing composite technology with a thermosetting matrix. Door profiles are considered for a new generation door, but the vertical frame has a chance to be used as an alternative to the already-produced Boeing 787 doors.
ID CODE: FV30033
Project Period: 1. 1. 2018 – 31.12. 2020
Project Participants:
- LATECOERE Czech Republic s.r.o.
- České vysoké učení technické v Praze
Principal Investigator For VZLU AEROSPACE:
- Ing. Dr. Roman Růžek, Pevnost konstrukcí