Czech Aerospace Research Centre
VZLU is a research, development and testing center located in Prague – Letňany. As a part of VZLU, there are also high-speed wind tunnels located in Palmovka, Prague and offices for space research in Brno.
Czech Aerospace Research Centre
Address: Beranových 130, 199 00 Praha – Letňany
Phone: +420 225 115 222
IČ: 00010669
VAT: CZ00010669
Společnost je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 446.
Contact form
How to get to VZLU
By Car:
From Prague city take direction Teplice, then direction to nearby Letnany Trade Fair area see the map
Public transport:
Subway Metro C, station: Letňany
then Bus 158 or 195 – bus stop: Boletická